Apple's iOS 8 has been in a lot of trouble since its official launch. Earlier, after iOS 8.0.1 successfully turned iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus into Touch 6 and Touch 6 Plus, Apple released an update to iOS 8.0.2 to fix the problem. However, a video on YouTube showed how to bypass iOS 8 and iOS 8.0.2's Touch ID and lock password verification.
When the iPhone running the above iOS system is connected to the charger or computer and "Allow Hey Siri" is turned on in the system settings, unauthorized users only need to ask Siri a question, then press the HOME button and swipe the screen to the right before Siri answers, and then have the opportunity to bypass the iPhone's security system to unlock iPhone.
In fact, the people who can find this loophole are also very hard
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