Steelseries, also known as Sirui, released its latest flagship mouse, Rival, today. Rival uses a new ergonomic design optimized for the right hand, compared with the Sensei designed previously. The first one adopts the new Agova ADNS 3310 sensor, which provides 50~6500 CPI adjustment. The unique STEELSERIES SWITCHES inching and light control are cool enough.
Steelseries Rival can control the roller light and logo light independently in light control, with three light effects, four brightness levels and 16.8 million colors.
Steelseries Rival's new product was launched at US $59.99, about RMB 364, and the received price was about 480 yuan. Compared with the price of the same Sensei in China, it was still 600+, so how could it be cost-effective. Steelseries Rival is currently scheduled for new products.