According to insiders, Sony is about to launch a super new flagship model, code named Honami, which will be a sub series of Xperia series. It is equipped with Qualcomm Snapdragon 800 quad core processor, a main camera with 20 million pixels, Xenon xenon flash lamp and dual LED fill light, which is much better than the current Xperia Z (13MP lens+APQ8064 quad core).
More importantly, Honami claims to be Sony's new strategic product. Therefore, in addition to the top hardware configuration, Honami will also incorporate Sony's own Cyber shot and Walkman brand technologies. In addition, Honami will also provide about 2700-3000mAh of battery capacity, continue Xperia Z's existing three prevention functions and LTE 4G network support, and is expected to continue to use the 5-inch 1080p screen (JDI's White Magic technology screen or Sharp IGZO screen).
Insiders also revealed that the first batch of Sony Honami was 140000 units, which will be launched by China Unicom in July this year, while the international version will be launched later.