This Huawei D2 mini will continue to use the HiSilicon K3V2 quad core processor and 2GB RAM. The screen size is 4.3 inches, the resolution is 720P, and it has a built-in 13 million pixel main camera and inherits D2's excellent three prevention functions.
The D2 mini appeared at this time, and its purpose should be to snipe the Xiaomi 2S, so its price will be much lower than that of Huawei D2. The current news indicates that its price may be 2498 yuan. However, if Huawei really sets its heart to seize the market, it may eventually reduce the price to 1999 yuan to face off with Xiaomi 2S.
This figure shows Huawei D 2. The D2 mini to appear should only be reduced on the basis of the D2 shape.
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